Is Wealthy Affiliate Legit or a Scam? – Know The Truth


In less than 17 years, Wealthy Affiliate has continued to build a flourishing internet community with thousands of members. Is Wealthy Affiliate Legit? In this review article, we will try to figure out the answer to this question.

This is a very common question among newbie affiliate marketers, why I am not making a significant amount of money online? How online Gurus are earning an insane amount of money every single day!

There must be some secret that successful affiliate marketers are doing and you are not. Wealthy Affiliate training can reveal the secret that you should know to become successful in making money online. 

With 1.5 million customers from 195 countries, Wealthy Affiliate is the world’s most popular online community and an excellent training platform for affiliate marketers.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is nothing but promoting and selling other’s products and getting a commission. That may be physical or digital any kind of product. Want to know more about affiliate marketing? Read this article >> Become an affiliate marketer step by step.

Wealthy Affiliate can assist you in getting started with affiliate marketing. There are a few steps you need to follow to become successful in affiliate marketing. 

Wealthy Affiliate will walk you through all these steps. Their purpose is to give you the resources and tools you need to succeed.

  • Select your niche.
  • Build an affiliate website.
  • Drive traffic.
  • Get affiliate sales and earn a commission.

A Complete overview:

ProductWealthy Affiliate
Owner of the productKyle & Carson
Overall Rating4.7/5
Price$49 per month
Is Wealthy Affiliate Legit?This is absolutely legit and not a scam.
Official website>> CLICK HERE <<

What is a Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform for building an affiliate marketing business. They bundle tutorials, software, and website hosting into one convenient package. 

This will lead you through the whole process of starting an internet business from scratch. For a single membership fee, you may start your affiliate marketing business here.

If you are new to internet marketing or affiliate marketing, Wealthy Affiliate can walk you through the process step by step.

Is Wealthy Affiliate newbie friendly?

Wealthy Affiliate simplifies everything. It is a simple and user-friendly platform to get started. They regularly upgrade the platform. It is constantly improving the training materials, hosting service, and everything else in order to make the process of launching an online business faster.

The founders of Wealthy Affiliate:

Kyle is the Marketing Chief and Co-founder of Wealthy Affiliate. Kyle genuinely wants to help others. He can be found on many of Wealthy Affiliate’s learning modules.

Carson is the Design Chief and Co-founder of Wealthy Affiliate. Carson has been responsible for taking ideas from their earliest stages and creating them into an actual business platform. He is truly passionate about bringing an idea to life in the most simple manner possible.

Wealthy Affiliate Vendor

Wealthy Affiliate Features:

Effective Training Materials:

Wealthy Affiliate is well-known for offering comprehensive affiliate marketing training. The main tutorial is called “Online Entrepreneur Certification.” There are five levels to this certification course. 

There are various modules and practical tasks. All of the ideas presented at Wealthy Affiliate are long-term and sustainable strategies. They do not teach any spamming techniques.

Fresh information is added to the site on a daily basis, ensuring that you always have an up-to-date understanding of digital marketing.

Fast website hosting:

The wealthy affiliate provides managed WordPress Hosting. They handle it all for your website, including safety, performance, backups, dependability, spam security, data security, and more.

Its cutting-edge hosting is extremely fast, safe, and dependable. Wealthy Affiliate charges a recurring monthly price and allows you to run up to 10 websites.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Legit

SiteRubix Site Builder.

SiteRubix Site Builder allows you to create a website in a matter of minutes. It simplifies the procedure into easy steps. Start with a free or a custom domain and give a website name. Select a theme and create your website. It’s incredibly simple, and anyone can do it.

Learn through community:

Wealthy Affiliate creates a teaching environment in which everyone may share ideas and experiences within a community.

If you have any issues, you may receive help from individuals all around the world through the community.

The community works similarly to social networking. You may contact anyone on the site, including the product creator.

Every curriculum has its own forum for discussion. Individual questions and answers are available for viewing. You can always get help because of community-driven learning.

Wealthy Affiliate community

Keyword research tool (Jaaxy):

For keyword research, you’ll need SEO tools. Jaaxy is a sophisticated keyword research tool you will find inside Wealthy Affiliate. It can be utilized to find market trends, low competition, and profitable keywords. You don’t have to pay anything extra to use Jaaxy, saving you a lot of money.

Feedback and comments through the community:

There will be few or no visits in the early days of your website. Wealthy Affiliate members will visit your website and make comments. This strategy will assist you in quickly ranking your website in search engines.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Legit?

This is a common question among newbie affiliate marketers, Is Wealthy Affiliate legit? Wealthy Affiliate is a legitimate online learning platform that has been around for 17 years. No fraud can last long in the internet marketplace.

Wealthy Affiliate was formed in 2005 and is still growing on a regular basis. Its creators are still quite active on the network, supporting and answering questions from users.

Is it a pyramid structure?

Wealthy Affiliate isn’t a pyramid scheme or a network marketing plan. This is a platform and collection of tools for earning money through the promotion and sale of affiliate products. People who promote Wealthy Affiliates can earn affiliate commissions. This is where the pyramid myth comes from.

Best suitable for…

Wealthy Affiliate gives you everything you required to build a website, produce content, and drive organic traffic for affiliate sales.

This is the best place for new affiliate marketers to start. Seasoned affiliate marketers may be less energetic about the coaching since they know a lot about affiliate marketing.

* Wealthy Affiliate is not for the people who want overnight success in affiliate marketing.


  • Easily Begin Your Affiliate Marketing Career.
  • Wealthy Affiliate is reasonably priced.
  • Wealthy Affiliate has everything you need to get started with an online business.
  • They provide fast and reliable hosting.
  • Every week, live webinars are held.
  • The community is extremely helpful and active.
  • The Platform is Constantly Being Updated.
  • One of the best affiliate programs is offered by Wealthy Affiliate.
  • The training is well-planned and user-friendly.
  • Excellent customer support is available 24×7.


  • There is no money-back guarantee. But in the first month, you need to pay only $19.
  • They focus more on promoting Wealthy Affiliates.


Simply sign up and start for free with its Starter plan. To get started with the Premium plan of Wealthy Affiliate, you do not need to pay thousands of dollars. You only have to pay $19 the first month for its premium plan, then $49 each month after that. Web hosting, Keyword research tool Jaaxy, customer support, a writing tool, and SiteRubix Site Builder, all are included in this price.

Details comparison chart between Starter and Premium plans is given below:


Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best affiliate marketing platforms. By providing everything you need to start an affiliate marketing business, you can save a lot of money and time.

It does not require you to pay for website hosting somewhere else because it has its own extremely fast hosting service. Everything is available inside, including a keyword research tool, a website builder, and a writing tool.

All of this can be set up inside Wealthy Affiliate, giving you the assurance that everything is in capable hands.

I hope you got the answer to the commonly asked question, Is Wealthy Affiliate legit? Yes, this is absolutely a legitimate platform to start and grow your affiliate marketing business. But, the final result depends on individual efforts and dedication. 

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